¿No consigues quemar la grasa abdominal? ¡La abdominoplastia te ayudará! - BOXSR - rutinas de cosmética masculina natural, cuidado personal para hombres

Can't get rid of abdominal fat? Abdominoplasty will help you!

Do you exercise and eat healthy but you can't burn abdominal fat? Although diet and sport are essential to get rid of excess fat, there are often other factors that prevent them from taking effect.

Our state of mind or the lack of magnesiummagnesium, for example, are some of the factors that can hinder our process of fat loss process. In these cases, many men often opt for abdominoplasty. abdominoplasty.

What is the operation to remove abdominal fat?

The abdominoplasty is the surgical procedure of body reshaping for the removal of skin y abdominal fat. Thanks to it, it reinforces the musculature of the abdominal wall is strengthened and reduce the belly. Thus, it achieves a abdomen more flat y firmerand a flatter, firmer waist more narrower waist.

The operation of abdominoplasty is done through an incision incision through above of the pubic hair that runs from side to side of the hip. However, depending on the level of the operation, many times the incisions may vary in location or position.

How do I know when to undergo abdominoplasty?

Many patients do not really know when to undergo this type of surgery because they are still hoping that diet and exercise will work at some point. However, men men who have a figure relatively good figure but who are concerned about this excess of fat in their abdomen and do not improve even with diet or with exercise should rethink this option.

However, it is recommended that patients patients that have to lose a lot of weight, go to some weight weight before undergo this surgical procedure. However, the plastic surgeon will tell you better the procedure of your operation.

On the other hand, it is important to go to to your doctor because perhaps your abdominal fat not can't be be solved with a abdominoplasty and you have to opt for a liposuction.

How is the postoperative period of abdominoplasty?

Bearing in mind that each person is different, the postoperative postoperative of the abdominoplasty can last a few weeks or a few months. It is normal that at the at the beginning you have pain, discomfort e swelling in the abdominal area. However, it is not usually the most painful cosmetic operation in men.

On the other hand, although you may have to spend 2 or 3 days in the hospital in the hospital, then there are almost no inconveniences with the operation. At the beginning you will have to wear a bandage and after a few days you will replace it with a compression garment that you will have to wear for a few months, until your aesthetic doctor gives you the go-ahead to remove it.

It is important to start walking as soon as possible, although no it is not advisable to to stretch stretching or intense exercise until you feel completely comfortable.

And the most important thing for patients... The final result! Yes, the abdominoplasty is usually very effectivebut you must keep in mind that the definitive definitive results you will not see them until 9-11 months after the operation. In addition, it is normal that you notice that your scars "worsen"the first first 3 monthsbut be patient! Then almost you won't even notice.

Did you know the abdominoplasty? I have just started the process process at burning the abdominal fat that I have left over. If you too have just started the process and you are interested in what you should do to achieve lose the excess from fat through a balanced balanced diet and exerciseread on!

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