¿Tienes grasa abdominal? Descubre cómo quemarla - BOXSR - rutinas de cosmética masculina natural, cuidado personal para hombres

Do you have abdominal fat? Find out how to burn it

I need to start taking care of myself now! I have to admit that in the last couple of years I have neglected myself a lot physically. Between work, family and social life, I haven't given my body the attention it needed... But better late than never, don't you think? I'm not going to wait until January to propose it to myself, I'm going to do it from now, since October, because I want (and need) to get down to work as soon as possible!

I don't know if you'll notice it too, but I've been noticing that my belly is getting bigger by the minute, and I don't understand why! It's true that I've been a bit careless, but I've always eaten moderately healthy... Isn't that enough?

Well, no, my dear friend! There are many factors that can make the belly grow and you do not understand why and today I come to talk about one of them: abdominal fat.

What is abdominal fat?

Our body is so wise that it has an "energy reserve"; that is, our body takes advantage of the small excesses of fat to be prepared and protect us from possible climatic changes and use that energy in the proper functioning of the organs. However, if this fat is not burned, it tends to turn into fatty acids that accumulate in the liver and muscle tissues.

Therefore, abdominal fat is the visceral fat that accumulates between the organs of our abdomen and can become dangerous if the amount is excessive. In addition, it is the culprit that causes us to see that belly increase that I told you about before....

According to the Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity, the normal percentage of fat that we men have ranges between 12% - 20%, but if fat levels exceed these limits, it is likely that the fatty acids (or lipids) that travel through the veins of the intestine to the intestine will be in excess of these limits. through the veins of the intestine to the liver can cause insulin-related or cholesterol-related diseases. In addition, we are also at risk for diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, hypertension or cancer.

How to burn abdominal fat?

Yes, abdominal fat can be burned, but don't get confused! Visceral fat has no "miracle" solution... Losing that extra fat can take some time and a lot of effort. But for that, here are some tips that will come in handy:

  • Drink a glass of cold water with 2 or 3 drops of lemon before each meal.
  • Drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day. This will help you transport and eliminate metabolic waste.
  • Eat about 5 meals a day. This way, you will avoid arriving at lunch or dinner hungry and avoid snacking between meals.
  • Eat 3 pieces of fruit a day. They will provide you with many vitamins and minerals that will help your intestinal transit.
  • Increase the consumption of favorable unsaturated fats. To do this, consume foods such as extra virgin olive oil, oily fish or nuts, for example.
  • Avoid consumption of saturated and trans fats. Foods such as snacks, butter or pastries, among many others, will cause abdominal fat to increase.
  • Cook steamed, baked or gr illed . Whenever possible, avoid fried, battered, stewed or sauced foods. However, you can skip this step if one day you go out to eat at a restaurant, but let's not be too strict!
  • Avoid sugar and sweets. These foods cause abdominal fat to accumulate even more in your belly.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages. This is because they contain a lot of empty calories that are stored in our body as fat. Have you ever heard of the "beer belly"?
  • Sleep between 6 and 8 hours a day. Sleeping less or more hours a day will release an excess of the hormone cortisol, which will make it easier for your body to store abdominal fat.
  • Exercise- sport will burn all the fat in your body, not just abdominal fat! Intenseaerobic exercise is super good for these cases.

There is no time to waste! As of today I consider myself a man who wants to burn abdominal fat from his body and I will carry out many of these tips I have given you. Will you join my team?

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