Maquillaje de ojos para hombres - BOXSR - rutinas de cosmética masculina natural premium, cuidado personal para hombres, kit cuidado facial antiarrugas, antiojeras y crema cara hombre con vitamina C y acido hialuronico

eye makeup for men

The best way to show off beautiful and healthy eyes, whether they are made up or not, is to lead a healthy life.

Eat well Y to drink abundant Water, take care Y clean up face daily and sleep the necessary hours can do plus for our skin what A lot of products cosmetics.

However, these are some of the Steps of make-up that you can follow if you have not been able to sleep well or you want your eyes to look even better. 

  • Throw base Y blur good for all method, also for the eyes, for highlight them Y help to what look plus bright
  • Apply corrector
  • if you dare you can include a bit of highlighter in some key areas of the face, such as: the arch from eyebrow, the lacrimal, in the bridge from nose and in the cheekbones
  • So optional, you can apply raya Y shadowsalways remembering you spread them much
  • To finish, use rimmel transparent to give more volume at tabs and that your eyes shine more. 

Without a doubt, one of the products plus important to pack one look very much is he eye contour, which helps the hydration of the eyes and also facilitates the app of make-up, helping it to last longer and look better. 

If you prefer to do without makeup and opt for more natural remedies, you can apply pieces of cucumber or chamomile bags to your eyes. This will bring you a wide variety of benefits to the eyes that you will appreciate. It is also advisable to eat foods that are good for the eyes and their contour, such as the famous carrots, spinach or almonds. 

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