
How to increase the production of melanin in the skin?

It's clear! We have already talked about it before, but the production of melanin is essential if your goal this summer is to get a tan... However, over the years the production of melanin in our body is greatly reduced, but I still want to get a tan! ! Therefore, I have decided to increase its production:

It is true that melanin is determined by our body, but no one has said that we cannot give melanocytes a little boost from time to time... right? That is why I bring you the best foods to increase the production of melanin in your skin :

    • Carotenes: although the consumption of carotenes does not help the production of melanin as such, it is true that these pigments provide a more tanned tone to the skin (making it look as if melanin production is increasing ). Foods such as carrots , strawberries , tomatoes , pumpkins or spinach provide us with many types of carotenes , such as carotenoids , beta-carotenes or lycopene , for example.
    • Amino acids: amino acids are involved in the production of melanin in our body , since melanocytes synthesize these proteins to convert them into melanin . That is why foods such as chickpeas , beans or pistachios , among many others, will provide us with that supplement that we need.
    • Vitamin D: Vitamin D is essential if we want to have healthy skin and prevent premature aging of it. In addition, this is created when our skin is exposed to the sun , thus increasing the production of melanin in our body.

  • Vitamins B6 and B12: these two types of vitamins stimulate the production of melanin in our body. In addition, vitamin B6 , also known as pyridoxine , also stimulates the metabolism of hair proteins in hair follicles ; both keratin and melanin . What do you think if you add tuna , salmon , nuts or legumes to your diet to increase their production?
  • Vitamin E: thanks to it the skin maintains its hydration , preventing it from drying out . In this way, thanks to its high antioxidant content, it not only repairs the damage caused to the dermis as a result of exposure to ultraviolet rays , but also protects free radicals from it. Try eating almonds , hazelnuts , pine nuts , peanuts , or avocados to increase the vitamin E in your body.

Now you know! There is no excuse for not getting a tan this summer , don't you think? Also, if your goal is to show off an intense and long-lasting tan , keep in mind that body exfoliation is basic and essential in the process. Keep reading if you want to know more about it!

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