10 consejos alimenticios para una próstata sana - BOXSR - rutinas de cosmética masculina natural, cuidado personal para hombres

10 dietary tips for a healthy prostate

According to quote from Health Harvard, The best diet to have a healthy prostate does not have to do so much with specific foods, but with a healthy eating routine:

  • 5 rations of fruit Y vegetables al day. Choose the ones with a color intense and brilliant.
  • Pan whole wheat instead of white bread. Also go to the pasta Y cereals integrals.
  • Better to leave aside red meats (beef, pork, …) and processed meats (all kinds of sausages) You can substitute them with fish, birds or sources of protein vegetable as Jewish, garbanzo beans, etc.
  • stop by at fats healthy, oil of olive, avocados O fruits dried.
  • No plus fats saturated from animals (such as dairy, etc…)
  • break with the fast-food. All fast foods and packaged foods have trans fats (partially hydrogenated fats). You better switch to real food.
  • The refreshments Y juices of fruits usually have very much sugarif you can try avoid them. As a reward treat yourself to some sweet from time to time.
  • If you are salty, you will have to adapt, choose low foods in sodium. Do not trust the advertising on the labels, it is best to always go to the table where the amount of salt it contains will appear.
  • The canned food, processed me frozen They usually have, as a general rule, all the things that we have previously said that it is better avoid. Better purchase fresco and of season.
  • Finally, learn to eat slowly and try to be aware of your body, when you are full stop eating.

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