Effective solutions for your oily skin problems
Do you notice shine all over your face and does your skin feel oily?
Do your pores look dilated and widened?
Do you have pimples, blackheads, pimples or acne tendency?
We explain what are the main causes of oily skin:
1. Originally hormonal due to the increase in androgens that increase sebum production.
2. The age influences and in your puberty you are likely to have oily skin or acne.
3. The psychological stress It causes excessive sweating and can trigger acne.
4. Excessive cleaning habits with aggressive cleaning products.
5. genetics.
6. Diet too rich in certain carbohydrates (large amounts of sugar and white flour) and excessive consumption of cow's milk and dairy products (except cheese).
7. The tobacco and the alcohol.
8. The excess moisture in the environment makes you sweat and makes your face oilier.
How to treat oily skin?
uses warm water in your showers, as water that is too hot or too cold can aggravate oily skin with pimples.
Let pimples or pimples heal naturally. It's a temptation when you look in the mirror, we know, but try to hold back the urge to burst them. You will only make them worse and infect you.
uses facial cleansers appropriate. Alcohol-containing cleaners instantly make you feel like they “dry” all the grease and you say “WOW this is what I need” but NO! In the long run you end up stripping nutrients and protective layers from your skin, unbalancing it and that's why your skin will never stop being oily. Alcohol is not the solution for your oily skin.
Avoid in your diet ljunk food, processed foods, fatty meats, added sugars, refined flour and excess salt and eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
Use a moisturizer and oil-free sunscreen for acne-prone skin.
And aloe vera gel It can help you absorb excess oil and cleanse your pores.
Take care, man.